After the news from the wonderful and revered Dr Ivan Misner that he?s in the early stages of prostate cancer, it got me thinking how important our health is in business.
Ivan will make a full and complete recovery. He?s in great shape, he looks after himself, and I suspect he has a work schedule that would exhaust most people his age. Is that an accident?
It was the great Brian Tracy who taught me that without your health, nothing in life has very much flavour.
Whether you?re in an employed situation or you sail your own ship in some entrepreneurial role, your life probably looks like this:
- 50-70 hours of work a week.
- Less than 8 hours sleep a night.
- A mind going at 100 mile an hour with ideas and things to do.
- The inability to switch off in downtimes (with your kids, partner or hobbies).
- Significant commutes or driving to make meetings, or both.
- Most of your time spent sat down at a desk or in a car.
- At least some mood altering substances in your body (caffeine, sugar, alcohol or even drugs).
- A massive ?Things to Do? list which never seems to end.
- A significant chunk of your week doing tasks you don?t like and/or working with people you don?t like.
- Lack of a consistent exercise routine.
- Smiling or laughing less than 10 times a day.
- Your heart staying within 20% of resting pretty much every week.
- You watch the same amount of TV as the average UK or US citizen ? 26 hours a week.
- You eat a lot of processed food, packed sandwiches and fast food.
- You don?t eat your five fruit and vegetables a day.
- You drink less than 5-8 glasses of water a day.
- You eat a lot of carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, cereals).
- You ache or feel pain in at least one part of your body on a regular basis.
- You don?t floss.
- You don?t take any nutritional supplements.
- Feel drained of energy?and lack focus for parts of your day or week.
I could go on but you get the idea. Most people lead sedentary lives. Mine is no different. You?ve got to counteract the life-shortening effects of your life.
It?s no good working hard to earn your fortune if you
- Don?t live long enough to enjoy it.
- Don?t live fruitfully enough to share it.
- Don?t stay healthy enough to savour it.
- Make yourself unbearable to live with.
Dr Ivan Misner is a wonderful example to all of us about staying in shape, looking after ourselves and maintaining high energy. You don?t start and run a global empire without making time to exercise, eating right and developing good life habits.
The definition of fitness is the capacity to do work. The fitter you are, the more you can get done. That?s physically and mentally.
Sure, you can burn the midnight oil for a season. You can work crazy hours, eat and drink to excess and blast your body in the short term. But it?s unsustainable.
It?s not just your body either.? Healthy body, healthy mind. When you?re healthy, your mind works properly. Your brain uses 20% of the oxygen you take in and 25% of the nutrients.
My best advice to you is to take a good hard look at your health. Not your business or your work. But your body, your diet and your exercise.?
Get around some health experts and some fit, active people. They might be less successful than you in business terms, but they know stuff and are doing stuff that you don?t.
All the success in the world will mean nothing if you can?t place it on a foundation of health, energy and fitness.
Here?s to a healthy and a wealthy life! And to Dr Misner, we all wish you a quick and full recovery.
If you?ve been stirred by this and want to make some much-needed changes to increase your health, fitness and productivity while building a successful business, Rob is offering a complimentary Wealth & Health Breakthrough Consultation (value ?297). For more details, click here>>.
Rob Brown
Rob Brown is an international authority on networking, referrals and reputations. He is founder of the Global Networking Council (the world?s top 200 networking thought leaders, authors and gurus) and author of the bestselling book How to Build Your Reputation. For a complimentary copy of his powerful 93 page Special Report: The 13 Commandments of Turning Relationships Into Profits (value ?47) go to
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