Posted by Armand K. on Sunday, September 25, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?
Win?ter is Com?ing is a very small browser game made by what might be an unnec?es?sar?ily large team that lets you play as a fly?ing squir?rel col?lect?ing nuts before the onset of win?ter. This isn?t some car?toon furry in an action packed side scroller either, this is more of an actual sim?u?la?tor. An incred?i?bly sim?ple one per?haps, but it does hold some appeal.
Seri?ously, I have twenty other games I want to cover in half the num?ber of days, yet here I am talk?ing about this?one.
The game is very rough around the edges (made in about a week), and won?t take up more than a small amount of your time, but is a fun lit?tle dis?trac?tion worth try?ing out. You can run around on the ground, climb trees, scope out where all the nuts are hid?ing, then soar majes?ti?cally through the air try?ing to col?lect five of the lit?tle bug?gers before time runs out, and win?ter?comes.
The game also fea?tures some strange and twisted sound and music, which feels oddly appro?pri?ate for some?thing that?s meant to be a squirrel?s eye view. The faster you run, the more fran?tic and crazed it becomes. Turn it up real loud and drive the peo?ple around you nuts! (get it, nuts! Cause it?s a squir?rel? Bah, no appreciation.)
That?s it, that is the entire game. Nev?er?the?less, it?s uncom?mon in its pur?pose, and tries to do some?thing a lit?tle dif?fer?ent. Worth at least 15 min?utes of your?time.
Win?ter is Com?ing can be played here.
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